The Basis Of Chinese Traditional Medicine
Centuries ago,
the Chinese began recognizing the ability of herbs and diet for supporting health and wellness of body, mind, and spirit.
Over time, a gathering of knowledge began to take shape, eventually to become The Yellow Emperorīs Classic of Internal
Medicine,which takes into consideration the importance of regarding the body as interactive systems, seeing the importance
of harmony in supporting wellness and opposing disharmony and disease through keeping the systems in balance, be it human,
ecological, or universal.
The original Chinese medical treatise called The
Yellow Emperor's Classics of Internal Medicine was written over 2,000 years ago, and is based in the ideals of
yin and yang. The principle of yin and yang has been used in China for centuries as a means of explaining the interactions
in nature. Of course, and not unlike their counter-parts in the West, this knowledge has been contiunually improved upon even
to today. The ancient Chinese observed that all things in nature occur as opposing forces. Through this realization they were
able to see the influence of these opposing forces throughout the universe, life and death, day and night, all things exhibit
this sense of duality and change.
In Chinese medicine, the idea of treatment is to find a balance
between yin and yang.
If we suffer from a fever, an excess of yang, the treatment
will be in a way to transform the yang into yin, whereby balancing out the excess of yang. All disharmonies can be traced
to an imbalance of yin and yang. |
Chinese wellness philosophy may have existed for thousands of years but it has only been recently that it has come to the
West. Tianshi is now unveiling these jewels, which have stemmed directly from age-old traditional wellness philosophies.
through Tianshi, you can have direct access to some of the same “balancing” secrets that have been almost commonplace
in China for decades.
Tianshi herbal products work well together to balance the human health system
in 4 ways :-
Cleanse - removes and cleans the body of toxins and wastes Replenish
- Restores the lost resources of the body Strengthen - Improves the body's energy and
immune system Balance - Regulate and balance the body systems again