What Is Acupunture?
The intent of acupuncture therapy is to promote health and alleviate pain and suffering. The method by which
this is accomplished, though it may seem strange and mysterious to many, has been time tested over thousands of years and
continues to be validated today. The perspective from which an acupuncturist views health and sickness hinges on concepts
of "vital energy," "energetic balance" and "energetic imbalance." Just as the Western medical doctor monitors the blood flowing
through blood vessels and the messages traveling via the nervous system, the acupuncturist assesses the flow and distribution
of this "vital energy" within its pathways, known as "meridians and channels".
The acupuncturist is able to influence health and sickness by stimulating certain areas along these "meridians".
Traditionally these areas or "acupoints" were stimulated by fine, slender needles. Today, many additional forms of stimulation
are incorporated, including herbs, electricity, magnets and lasers. Still, the aim remains the same - adjust the "vital energy"
so the proper amount reaches the proper place at the proper time. This helps your body heal itself.
Acupuncture is just one form of therapy used within the coherent system of healing known as Oriental Medicine.
Oriental Medicine includes herbology, physical therapy, dietetics and special exercises (such as Tai Chi and Qi Gong), and
is a complete medical system unto itself and is not another branch of modern Western medicine. Acupuncture evolved from principles
and philosophies unique to Oriental thinking and Oriental Medicine, and is most effectively applied when done in accordance
with those principles.
What is the history? Most experts would say that acupuncture is at least 2000 years old.
The exact age is less important than the fact that Oriental Medicine is the most widely utilized healing system on this planet.
Its roots are in China, but the fruits of its potential to help the sick and injured are apparent in many
places, including all of Asia, Europe and America.
Today, the art and science of Acupuncture / Oriental Medicine is still not understood by many, yet it continues
to gain popularity and acceptance because of one fact - IT WORKS. |
How does acupuncture work? For millennia, the acupuncturist has been engaging subtle human
energies, otherwise known as "Qi". According to time-tested principles unique to Oriental Medicine, the acupuncturist would
assess and adjust the flow and distribution of "Qi" in order to promote health and healing.
So far, modern research has described various physiological shifts following acupuncture, such as beneficial
changes in the body's own natural painkillers, anti-inflammatory agents, immune system functions and hormonal activity.
Despite the powerful technology available today, even the modern physicists cannot explain exactly how this
ancient healing therapy works. Perhaps in the near future, the actual chemical and electromagnetic events that occur during
acupuncture will be described.
Why use Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine? In addition to being effective for many acute
and chronic common illnesses, Oriental Medicine has much to offer those who wish to raise the quality of health and vitality.
Practitioners of Oriental Medicine operate with prevention in mind, attempting to correct small energetic imbalances before
they become big health problems.
Current health trends emphasizing exercise, proper nutrition, stress reduction and immune system strengthening
all validate the life-styles and methods that have always been promoted by practitioners and advocates of Acupuncture / Oriental
Medicine. |
Are there side effects? When performed by a properly trained and licensed practitioner,
acupuncture is safe and effective, free fromadverse or addictive side effects. Quite often, a sense of relaxation and well-being
occurs during and after treatments. While undergoing therapy for one ailment, other problems may resolve concurrently. This
is a common side benefit that again demonstrates the value of balancing the quality and quantity of "vital energy" within
the entire person.
What are the limits of Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture? Oriental Medicine and acupuncture
are powerful healing tools, but they are not panaceas nor the solution to every health care problem. Both Western and Oriental
Medicine have their respective strengths and weaknesses, which is why in modern China, the two systems are used together.
When appropriately combined, the patient is well served.
Generally speaking, acute, life threatening conditions are best handled by Western medical doctors. Routine
health problems and chronic conditions, for which drug therapy and surgery have not been effective, often benefit from Acupuncture
/ Oriental Medicine. |
Tianshi's "Acupoint Treasure" works similarly to traditional acupuncture technique, but without
the needles. The meridian points stimulated in acupuncture are the same points used by the "Acupoint Treasure"
Actiunea principalelor puncte de presopunctura Puncte, Eficacitatea punctelor, Tehnici
Di 4-Hegu Calmarea generala a durerilor, dureri de ochi si de dinti, raceli. Masaj intre degetul mare si aratator,
dinspre degete spre brat, 60-120 sec. Du 26-Renzhong Accidente, lesinuri, tulburari de circulatie, dureri de dinti.
Masaj cu varful degetului aratator sau a degetului mare, central, circa 30 sec. He 7-Shenmen Insomnie, agitatie,
nervozitate, tulburari psihosomatice, stari anxioase. Masaj cu varful aratatorului, dinspre brat spre mana, circa 60 sec.
Le 3-Taichong Dureri generale, dureri de picioare, colici biliare, crampe abdominale, dureri de cap. Masaj cu
varful aratatorului, dinspre laba piciorului spre glezna, circa 60 sec. Ma 36-Zusanli Greturi, diaree, constipatie,
in general afectiuni ale tractului digestiv, dureri de picioare. Masaj cu aratatorul, dinspre genunchi spre laba piciorului,
60-90 sec. Ma 44-Neiting Dureri de cap, de dinti, raceli. Principalul punct cu actiune de calmare a durerilor de la
nivelul piciorului. Masaj cu varful aratatorului sau a degetului mare, dinspre glezna spre laba piciorului, 30-60 sec.
MP 6-Sanyinjiao Dereglari ale ciclului menstrual, urinari nocturne involuntare, insomnie. Masaj cu aratatorul,
dinspre laba piciorului spre genunchi, 60-90 sec. Pe 6-Neiguan Greturi, varsaturi, sughit, rau de mare. Masaj
cu aratatorul, dinspre brat spre mana, circa 60 sec. Ren 4-Guanyuan Dereglari ale ciclului menstrual, diaree, suferinte
ale prostatei. Masaj cu aratatorul, in directia ombilicului, circa 60 sec. Ren 12-Zhongwan Afectiuni gastrice,
greturi, lipsa poftei de mancare, rau de calatorie. Masaj cu aratatorul, in directia sternului, circa 30 sec. Ren
17-Shanzhong Afectiuni pulmonare, nevoie de relaxare. Masaj pe stern cu aratatorul, circa 60 sec. SJ 5-Waiguan
Dureri de cap, raceli.
puncte acupunctura...meridiane
puncte acupunctura
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puncte acupunctura
You can browse the alphabetical list:
Acupoint #2
Two thumb widths from the largest crease on the inside wrist; the point is between the tendons in the middle of
the wrist | back to top |
 Squeeze thumb and forefinger together, forming a ridge above the thumb; the point is in the middle of that ridge, just
above the end of the crease formed by thumb and forefinger; good for most problems from the waist up
| back to top |
Acupuncture (Zhen Jiu) and Acupressure (Zhi Ya)
....... circa
374 puncte de acupunctura .......
Acupuncture sites and meridians on the face and neck. .