Healing Testimonies Of The Acupoint Treasure
The Acupoint Treasure has provided the gift of healing to many since its introduction of Tiens to the shores
of Malaysia. It is no surprise then that this device has won gold awards at the 1996 Beijing
International Invention Exhibition and at the 1st Session International Einstein
New Invention, New Technology Exhibition 1997 in Geneva, Switzerland. Through the adaptation of 5000 years of chinese acupuncture therapy and western magnetic and electrical
pulse therapy, the acupoint treasure has provided a 98.4% success rate in healing most ailments |
Here are some of the testimonies of healing through the Acupoint Treasure in Malaysia so far :-
The crowd has been substantial during acupoint sessions conducted by Tiens. The people come from all over
and hail from various races. Healing transcends the boundaries of race and creed and anyone is welcomed to be treated. The
people are kept astounded as Master Jin demonstrates the use of the Acupoint Treasure. |
Kuala Lumpur, 26-28th July 2003
This man was deaf and dumb all his life – 64 years. After
half-hour treatment he could repeat what the Doctor say although not 100%. At
least he could hear again to some extent after just one treatment.
This lady has lost her sense of smell.
After one treatment, she was blindfolded and given the test to smell anything that was placed under her nose. |
Here’s a boy who was deaf & dumb from young.
After one treatment he could hear again. |
Kuala Lumpur, 7th August 2003
- This 80 YEAR OLD lady being treated here could not walk without her walking stick. After half an hour's treatment, she regain strength in her legs and started walking without a walking stick! |
15 year old boy was deaf since young and have gone through a lot of specialist treatments but in vain. After treatment by Dr Jin, his mother was asked to call out his name from a distance in the room and he
could hear his mum. His mum was so happy that she even broke down in tears because
her son could hear again. |
There has been many other testimonies of healing not documented here. With the continued use of the Acupoint
Treasure and the quality supplements of Tiens, it is not doubt that many will continue to be relieved of their ailments.
How does the Acupoint Therapy work?
All human beings have hundreds of potent points or
meridian points on their skin that are especially sensitive to bio-electrical impulses in the body. Traditionally, Asian cultures conceived that these points are junctures of special pathways that carry
the human energy which the Chinese call ‘chi’ and the Japanese call ‘ki’.
Stimulating these points with Acupunture needles or
even safer with the Acupoint Treasure will release endorphins, which are the neurochemicals that can relieve pain. As a result, pain is blocked and the flow of blood and oxygen to the affected area is increased. This causes the muscle to relax and promotes healing.
Acupoint therapy is a Green Therapy so therefore it has no side
effects because there is no drugs to be taken.